Tuesday 29 March 2011


Just a quick update.

I have a Habanero germinated! It's only taken 31 days (so around 20 days longer than all the other varieties) but I got home this evening and 1 of the 3 I planted has sprouted.
They need a decent source of constant heat to germinate and I had a new boiler fitted yesterday after months of intermittent heating so maybe that helped? Could just be coincidence (and let's face it, it probably is).

The plants which have germinated are starting to sprout their adult leaves, by this I mean the second set of leaves. The first 2 (or 3 in the case of my Trinidad Perfumes) are a completely different shape and used almost like solar panels to get as much light as they can and give the plant a good feed.
I think I'll plant them into pots over the weekend so I'll do a proper update with plenty of new pictures then.

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